This time’s
Web Poster
Our former Home - at apple! This was our previous website.
our old home,at now defunct rcn
our Messages site at:

We have no control over this website from many years ago at:


Executive meeting 4:30 - 5:30pm as we set up for 6pm meeting
then might leave early 7-7:30pm if the weather turns inclement.

We look at “Leopard and other new Apple products”.
poster top graphic Llink to current president's email at Link to Springfield Technical Community College's website Link to directions to Springfield Technical Community College from thier website Link to virtual tour of Springfield Technical Community College Link to Apple User Groups website Link to Yahoo Groups VIMUG1 message board site link to email at This was a link to our previous website hosted by Rich Burns Article on new storage hard-drive for the MacMini

  Move your mouse over an image area, if the pointer turns to a hand, click and the link (hopefully) will bring you there.
The page will open in a separate window so you can close it when done and still get back to us.

See you there, or call (413) 732-077!

So look for posters about the meeting that night in Blding 17.

You can save the image above and put it on your own flyer
saying how to meet you to car-pool to one of our meetings .

email charlie at < > with any questions, suggestions, or seeking directions to the meeting.

Lets all brng some refrshments and a new person. We nominate officrs for 2008-2009 in March.

Click on the image for a poster  vimug poster thumpnail  to print in Word or OO.oWriter

We are altering the WEBSITE so do email us
and tell us what you would like on it

Most of what you see below will be gone.

Finding a User Group

Sometimes we have ordered from Peach Pit Press with a VIMUG member discount,
and will offer that opportunity in the January meeting (if we have enough book orders).

Most of what you see below will be deleted in the new website, unless people say otherwise.

Sometimes MacWorld conflicts with our July meeting, Do not hesitate to e-mail us for meeting directions.

Our Annual Picnic for 2002 was at Look Park, Northampton, MA at a Picnic Site (67, A-B area) near the Dow Pavilion and rest rooms
Liz Castro was our guest and she had great stories about how she got into the business of writing computer books.

In 2003 & 2004 we had an informal meeting at the picnic tables on the "green" at STCC, it was much cooler.
We did NOT have a picnic in 2005-7.      Will we have a picnic in 2008? It is your choice.
Anyone up for a trip down to the Apple Store in CT????.

Link to a page/article about Users Groups
apple Users Group Look-Up link
Computer Users Eye Care article
Netscape: INTELLiCast: USA Weather                          

Mac stuff



Jumbo! - Programming: Macintosh: Source
Mac's Programming Page
Numerical Recipes in C (Acrobat format)
Software and Support
Robert Lentz's Macintosh Programming Resources
QuickDraw 3D Home Page
Nick's Place
metrowerks Worldwide
Welcome to MacTech™ Magazine!


User Groups

Association of Apple Computer User Groups


Index of /pub/multimedia/pictures/OTIS/Gallery/
Picture Archive Visual Index
Image Gallery
Adobe Systems
Specular International
Greg's GIF/JPEG Collection
3DSite: CGI Images and Movies

Please contact us if a link on this website does not work any more
or if you have a link you think we should include.

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